Wednesday, December 1, 2010
One week until chad is off. sarah goes in today to get an ultrasound. 3cm dialated. she cant wait to have this baby!
Monday, September 27, 2010
A tribute to Mom
Thank you mom for all you have taught us and for shaping us into who we are today! We will miss you but We love you and we like you!
The last song in the medley is my Mom singing. Its bad quality but its what we have
You will never be forgotten, Watch over us now and get our room ready because we will see you soon!
*If you were unable to attend the service and would like a copy of the tribute video and the Service please contact Chad so he can get you a copy.
The last song in the medley is my Mom singing. Its bad quality but its what we have
You will never be forgotten, Watch over us now and get our room ready because we will see you soon!
*If you were unable to attend the service and would like a copy of the tribute video and the Service please contact Chad so he can get you a copy.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Temporary Home
This week the world changed forever. On April 20th 1951 Grandma brought a beautiful baby girl into this world. Sherri Lynn. Through the years she grew and experienced many wonderful things from living in St Louis to Colorado to California even Australia. In 1974 she became a mother to Chad Patrick. What a wonderful life they had together. So many adventures and she was such a wonderful mother. Skiing at Keystone, where she worked as area secretary to waterskiing in Minnesota. She cared deeply about other people and alsways cared about her friends. She became a nurse always trying to care for others. 9 years later Sherri and Chad had a new little girl join in thier adventures. Lexie Davis. So many wonderful times they had together. Whether it was Chad getting hurt sledding on hills or lexie jumping in pools when she couldn't swim. Sherri was always there. Through every bad dream and every sickness or temerature she new exactly what to do. She had the answer for every cough or ache. She was a warm and deeply caring mother always cuddling her children but teaching them to not be afraid of the world but to take it head on. She taught them to be strong and to laugh. She would teach them the spiritual side of life. Letting them know God was always there watching over them and so were all the angels. A highly gifted singer, she always made sure there was music. If it was the radio or her singing, the room was always filled with music and laughter. She would go out and sing and share her gift with whoever would listen. She would always recieve such applause and gratitude from those lucky enough to hear her voice. As time went on her body slowly started breaking down. Hips, Knees, Back, Neck, muscles, joints, nerves it all started to deteriorate. Through her singing she met a wonderful man. Gary took her in and then added to the family in his own special way with three more of his own. In all her pain he was right there caring for her in anyway he knew how. Doctor visits, pain treatments and therapy he was right there. Through all the pain she kept her head up and always cared for others even if it pained her to do it. The last few years have been filled with excruciating pain and 90 percent of the time she layed in bed still thinkin about how she was going to do her next project. She would push herself to the breaking point many times to where she just couldn't go anymore. Her baby boy decided to get married she was bound and determined to be there. She loved his new bride. She always said how beautiful and peaceful she was. Sherri was very proud of him. That day at the wedding Sherri was so beautiful. She spend all her energy getting ready and she looked amazing. even though she was wiped out before the wedding even began from just getting ready she wasn't going to let that get to her. As the wedding started she got out of her wheelchair and walked every step down the isle and to her seat. Later on at the reception They danced as much as it hurt her, Chad held her until the song was though and even though it wasn't like when they danced when they were younger it was amazing. Soon after, along came the new baby! Her First Grandson that she had waited for so long to get. She was so happy and overjoyed! She held Jacob with every ounce she could muster. She kissed him and loved on him. In the year that followed he made her laugh as he developed and learned new things. When he was dedicated at church she was bound and determined to be there. She came and brought so much joy and Jacob gave her eskimo kisses just as his daddy did with grandma so many years before. It was an amzing day. So many memories this family has. So many trials they have overcome. On Sept 17 Sherri ended her journey here on Earth. The pain is now gone. Her singing voice is back and the heavens are rejoicing. She has joined the rest of our family with Great Grandma and Grandpa. I love you and I like you mom. Thank you for everything you gave me and for the man you have created me to be. I will continue to make you proud. I will miss you greatly, because I already do. This was just a stop and this was only your temporary home. How you did it for so many years I will never know. You are amazing. You are now home with God and Jesus. Watch down over us and guide us and we will see you when we get there.
Your baby boy Chad

Grandma holding Jacob Day 1
Your baby boy Chad

Grandma holding Jacob Day 1
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Jacob preparing to rule the world
So we are sitting here. I am updating the layout of this blog and Sarah is doing so your baby can read with Jacob. He is just making me laugh. He has learned a ton of signs which has helped us tremendously but now he is on to saying the words. This is very cool. Sarah starts going over all the words he knows. He makes many sounds for animals. Moo , kaka for quack quack, whowhoo for dog, and he learned to make a bear growl sound. He often uses this when he tries to scare people. sometimes he does it back to try to mimic you if you burp! So much fun, our favorite sound! He has all his body parts down. Even bellybutton. He even knows where Mackenkie is. He lifts up sarah shirt and pats her belly. He even said baby today. He learned to actually say, hot, moon, water (wawa), food, he even tried elephant. Its in the baby can read book. haha. He also knows ball, and Football, (booba)and score. When we say touchdown he throws his hands up in the air. Thats rights its Broncos season and he's ready! We tell Sydney to sit and he has learned that word now too. He says sit! Even pronounces his S very well. HE loves Dad's Truck. When he hears the desil start up he goes crazy, "Dada? dada?" He loves it. He loves to say car all the time. Always points and says, "ca? ca?" He makes us laugh so much. He is so stinkin' funny. Right now he is attempting to feed himself with a giant kid fork we got from IKEA.
He has also turned into a daredevil. Part of this Chad is to blame but I guess its better that he ends up not being afraid of the world he has to live in. He has been jumping off of all kinds of stuff. Usually into Dad's arms. He has been known to do a flip or 2 onto his head. It makes all the parents at the play places freak out then Jacob usually gets up looks at us and rubs his head, laughs and goes on. He now stands up on his tricycle with no hands, climbs on the chairs, tables, anything he can transform into a monkey on! By the way he knows monkeys say " e e e e" as well! This video was him one of the first times he decided to go a little crazy on the stairs.
He has also turned into a daredevil. Part of this Chad is to blame but I guess its better that he ends up not being afraid of the world he has to live in. He has been jumping off of all kinds of stuff. Usually into Dad's arms. He has been known to do a flip or 2 onto his head. It makes all the parents at the play places freak out then Jacob usually gets up looks at us and rubs his head, laughs and goes on. He now stands up on his tricycle with no hands, climbs on the chairs, tables, anything he can transform into a monkey on! By the way he knows monkeys say " e e e e" as well! This video was him one of the first times he decided to go a little crazy on the stairs.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Jacob is now a year and a half and a ton of fun. He has so much personality, he keeps Chad and I laughing all the time. He loves to make different expressions lately, his favorite two is a surprised face with his mouth wide open and a tired face by doing a fake yawn. He is starting to interact more with cousins and friends even though he is still pretty independent. He eats just about anything. Today we went to Costco and Chad had some extra saurkraut with his polish sausage and gave Jacob the container and Jacob scooped it out with his fingers and kept shoveling the saurkraut into his mouth. He loves fruit and eats most veggies, a couple of days ago he was chowing down brussel sprouts. Anyways he is a ton of fun and a ton of energy.
We have a second child coming soon. I am a little over half way through my pregnancy and we are expecting a baby girl!!! We are planning on naming her Mackenzie and her due date is Dec 11. The first trimester was a little rough with being sick but the second one has been great so far, hopefully the third goes good. I feel her move quite often so most likely she will have a lot of energy like her brother.
We have a second child coming soon. I am a little over half way through my pregnancy and we are expecting a baby girl!!! We are planning on naming her Mackenzie and her due date is Dec 11. The first trimester was a little rough with being sick but the second one has been great so far, hopefully the third goes good. I feel her move quite often so most likely she will have a lot of energy like her brother.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Holy crap. Came out of work thought i was going to be robbed. instead it was a drunk dude passed out in his car parked cockeyed with his flashers on! He hit the throttle and ran over the curb and took out a sign . It woke him up he freaked out. I went to see if he was ok as I opened his door. He threw it in reverse almost ran me over. Hit me in the side with his door. I think I knocked it off its hinge. Then jumped the curb almost ran into my restraunt and took off. As he tore out of the parking lot he ran over 3 different medians and then smashed head on into the median trying to get onto elliot. After he was able to get off of being high centered on the median He then took off and jumped on I10 and took off flashers still going! WOW what a way to end my night!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Throw the ball
We went to home depot the other day and they are having vendors come in and give away free food and stuff. Jacob got a ball from Sonic Burger and he plays with it all the time but this night he thought why not try to be a big boy and show mom and dad what an arm he has! This is what he did for about an hour and he's only 10 months now.
Throwin' The Ball! from Sarah J on Vimeo.
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