Friday, July 30, 2010


Holy crap. Came out of work thought i was going to be robbed. instead it was a drunk dude passed out in his car parked cockeyed with his flashers on! He hit the throttle and ran over the curb and took out a sign . It woke him up he freaked out. I went to see if he was ok as I opened his door. He threw it in reverse almost ran me over. Hit me in the side with his door. I think I knocked it off its hinge. Then jumped the curb almost ran into my restraunt and took off. As he tore out of the parking lot he ran over 3 different medians and then smashed head on into the median trying to get onto elliot. After he was able to get off of being high centered on the median He then took off and jumped on I10 and took off flashers still going! WOW what a way to end my night!


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