Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Attack of the Green Monsters.

ok so Jacob just turned one month and for his one month birthday he got a cold. He is loving his new gift. Dad cam home with a cough and congestion one day. It lasted about 3 days In that time He tryed to steer clear but had to help Mom take shifts. So it was inevitable that Jacob got what Dad had. We could tell the poor little guy was getting it because his cute cry turned ito a raspy whine and he just ouldn't breath. Today he sneezed and theese huge green slime monsters shot out his nose. It was kind of funny becase Sarah jumped back and was grossed out. Dad cleaned him off. He did feel better soon after that. Then dude to the fussy nature He went for a walk where he blew out another green monster. Now he is just fussy and who can blame him. Dad feels really bad, I'm sorry buddy!


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