Sunday, December 27, 2009
Getting a Laugh
Thursday, December 24, 2009
If you can't tell what is so funny the boobs bounce to the music. watch carefully again as they dance up and down to the beat of the song!
Friday, November 20, 2009
We drove to the watergardens in Fort Worth, which was pretty cool.
That night we had a good time at Main Event playing video games and then headed over to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, YUMMY!!!! The next day we went to downtown Dallas to see the grassy knoll where Kennedy got shot. Chad had a great time seeing the area and the museum and hearing the theories behind the shooting. We then checked out the new Hard Rock cafe in Dallas. Saturday night Chad and I drove back into Dallas to go to SamOwen's wedding. The reception was amazing, being at the top level of a hotel and huge windows looking out over all of Dallas.
Chad had a great time meeting up with people from CO that he has not seen for a long time. Our time with Jackie and Charlie and their girls was a ton of fun. Jackie was so good to Jacob taking him for walks and feeding him and rocking him to sleep.
Sunday we drove all the way to Houston to go to my uncle's house. My uncle John has a beautiful house, a nice boat, jet skis and a hot tub. So even though it was pretty cold outside, we still went for a boat ride and rode the jet skis, WITH WINTER COATS ON :) we were the only people on the lake!
John fed us some really good food, my dad tried lobster for the 1st time, and overall we had a great time there.
Jacob was soooooo good for the trip. He had a few times when he got fussy because of being tired or waking up in the middle of the night and not wanting to go back to sleep (car rides at 3am to put a baby back to sleep are fun times ;) but Chad and I were really proud of him.
Monday, October 12, 2009
6 and 1/2 months
That is about it for Jacob. Chad has started management training at his job so he will be very busy with work for the next 3 months.
We are staying away from my brother's family right now, 3 out of his 4 kids have the swine flu. The 1 year old and the 2 parents have not gotten it yet, hopefully they can some how make it through without getting it.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Our First Family Vacation to CA (June 23-June 28)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day Surprises!
The first father's day is here. We started out like every Sunday. We went to church and Jacob rocked out like normal. He has this routine where he loves the lights and music of worship. Chad and Jacob dance to the music because Sarah's family is notorious for not having rythym so he has to learn it from somewhere. Anyway, then after the songs he pigs out on a bottle and then goes to sleep during the speaking. I guess he can get away with it since he's a baby right? Anyway today after service we went out to In-N-Out Burger and Jacob enjoyed lunch with dad. His eyes got so big as the burger got close to him. He started drooling when he smelled the greasy burger then mom stopped it and wouldn't let Jacob have any. Party pooper. After that we went home and hung out while he started a new trick. Chad was laying on the floor with him and we have been trying to get him to roll over. He is only 3 months old now so we didnt expect him to but it's fun trying. Well today he surprised us. He rolled over numerous times. It was awesome. After all that excitment we just packed our bags because we leave the next night for California to meet up with Jen and Fam. Cali here we come!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Seeing Changes
Jacob is now 10 and 1/2 weeks and it has been so fun to see changes in him. For the last 2 weeks he makes great eye contact and puts on a big smile when you talk to him. He is starting to make all different kinds of noises and Chad thinks he will be a talker because Jacob loves to make noise and be heard. Jacob has also been very alert to lights and music. He goes in his jumparoo and floor gym and he loves to look at the blinking lights.
There have also been changes in Chad which has been fun to see. Early on, when the baby cried Chad would hand him back to me and say I don't know what to do with him, but now Chad likes to put him in his baby bjorn and entertain him. Chad also has found Jacob's favorite sleeping positions and one of his favorites is sleeping on dad's chest, its really cute!
Jacob just woke up and is crying so I will have to get back to this later :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Jacob's First Day Swimming
We went out to Toys R Us and bought Jacob a couple of bathing suits (Chad wants me to call them boardshorts I guess) because we are excited to get Jacob in the pool. We weren't sure how long
We went to the pool and put him in the water and he loved it. He didn't cry at all. As he got used to the water, Chad just held the back of Jacob's head and the rest of Jacob's body just floated on the top of the water. Jacob just smiled and looked around. He
Chad took him in the shower after and washed off all the clorine and moisturized his skin so it didn't dry out. The whole swim day was like a half hour.
Jacob loved the whole experience and hopefully he will be swimming like a little fish by the end of next summer.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Attack of the Green Monsters.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bombs Away!
The other night I was watching him while Sarah got sleep. I patted him and fed him and got him all ready for bed. He was so tired that finally after some fussing he fell asleep. I laid him in his swing on the off position . Mind you he is all swaddled like a little bean at this point. About an hour goes by he makes a grunt and all of a sudden he blows this huge bomb. I look over at him and simultaniously as he extrudes his power booster gas he falls over right on his head. He farted so hard it knocked him over. It was so funny I laughed so hard I cried. He was like a little weeble wobble.
Needless to say a kid with this much gas is going to coin his own phrases. Auntie Lexie came up with the first phrase that she refers to as the "foop" Kind of a gassy juicy foamy bomb poop thing. Well the other night again Sarah had passed him off to me and I was trying to get th gas out of him. So I laid him on my lap and took his knees and pressed them into his stomach very gently. Well a little bomber came out so I relaxed him and then all of a sudden 3 huge man FOOPs came out! We cheered because it had been hours of fussing by this point. Then all of a sudden I thought that was a lot of "foop" I better roll him over and look and sure enough it blew out the diaper all over me and my clothes. NASTY! Even pampers couldn't hold the load this kid had!
Finally the other night I was online in a video chat conference with people from all over the USA. They were all admiring the new bundle of ....."joy". All of a sudden with like 30 people in this room he blew such a huge bomb that the microphone picked it up and everyone heard it. They all laughed so hard because they thought an adult did it. I had to explain that Jacob has a very very special talent.
No cool Easter stories, Sorry. We didnt look for eggs or anything, no pics with a bunny . Nothing we just tried to survive the rage of Jacobs stomach all day!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday Night Raw - Boobie Smackdown
Well, since Chad and I are big eaters, he pretty much wants to eat all night long. He chows down on one side for like 15 min and falls asleep while he is eating. He sleeps good for about 5 min and then decides he is still hungry and wants the other boob. So he chows down on that side and falls asleep while eating and then we both lay down on the couch and he falls completely asleep for about 45 min and then he wakes us up cause he is hungry AGAIN! Since he eats so much, my boobs have gotten HUGE, they feel like balloons that are about to pop sometimes. Chad laughs every time he latches on cause I yell OUCH everytime cause my nips are so tender. They are getting better now, but yesterday they were so sensitive.
Chad wants me to talk about how Jacob saves all his nasty stinky gas for me. I can always tell its coming cause he starts to hold his breath to push and he sticks his booty out and then BOOM, BIG BOMBER all over me and then I hand him over to Chad to be changed :)
He is so cute and has been a wonderful baby and it is all worth it in the end. It has been such a exciting time and experience being a mom.
Chad: It's been so funny when he farts because he can lay with me for hours and never get gassy but as soon as Sarah grabs him he farts so loud and they stink so bad Sarah can't breath. So I change a majority of the diapers. I figure its the least I can do plus Im faster than Sarah at it. Well have a good day and we will talk to you soon to give more scoop from the Jensens.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Jacob's Homecoming
Sarah fed almost all night and handed him to me a couple of times when she needed a break.
Anyway he was a star all day as we put him on camera for his family in Tx and Jen up in Oregon. Jen's daughter said she was trying to reach and grab jacob off the screen. He slept most of the afternoon and so did Sarah. People keep asking how her healing is going and she would say its going ok. today she fought a the battle that all woen fight after have natural childbirth. It was the birth of the toilet. Nothing seemed to work but she finally got it figured out and has felt great for the rest of the day. We are going to watch the suns here in a few and then we will update you again tomorrow as to any new stories. Until then we anticipate some big gassy bombs all night . Like father like son!
FIrst Nights at the Hospital
The second night however was not so good. Jason and Kim came by and held him and cuddled him and I guess he must have been hungry or something but he got very gassy. So when they left we tried to feed him but he fought Sarah tooth and nail. I knew something wasn't right because I swaddled him and he usually loves that. This time he just cried. I did all his favorite stuff but he just wasn't having it. We battled for 4 hours trying to get the gas out and feed him. The nurse really wasn't any help and that was kinda confusing because the nurse we had previously was awesome. Shout out to you BETH! So we decided to get a little formula in him just to get food in him. Then we sent him back to the nursery. We were both so worn out emotionally. Sarah was frustrated thinking she was doing something wrong. I couldnt get the gas out . It was just all wrong and getting tense. We said lets just get him in the nursey let them take care of him. We will get throught the night and when Beth and the nursing consulatnt come in the morning we will deal with it then.
That was the best thing we did. The next morning was like magic. The nursing consultant came in waved her magic wand and poof he took the nip. Switched sides and poof he did it again. Later on we had some issues but then Beth came in and she waved her magic wand and sprinkled some magic Good nurse from the west dust on it it and poof he took again.
Needless to say Sarah asked to take the magic wand home and a bag of pixie dust incase we needed to use it again. Since then the boy sees nips just like all boys , yum yum.
HE sleeps great except he is a huge twitcher. He jumps in his slep. but I like it because I dont have to check for he breath all the time. I guess be just have get home and see what happens.
Amazing Day! Jacob enters the world
Sarah started feeling pressure about 9:30 on the 19th , the actual due date. We went for walks and many other things to get this show on the road. Finally after a long walk she started feeling contractions every 3-5 minutes for about 2 hours. So she got nervous. We called everyone and even the doctor said to go down to the hospital. So we jumped in tthe car and low and behold when we got there they pains went away. we walk around the perimeter of the hotel to try to jump start them but to no avail. She said well lets just go get a check up and see since we are here then we can leave. We left soon after that, like 2 days because along came a new face into the world.
From the time she got her epidural to the time Jacob shot into the world was about 7 hours, but we entered the hospital afte the walk at midnight the night before. From the time we were admited to the time Jacob came was about 14 hours. Sarah only pushed for about 45 minutes. She had a mirror that she could look at. she said it helped tremedously. She only pushed for 45 minutes and when she finally saw the head she gave one push that lasted like alomost 60 seconds. he went from crown to feets in 60 seconds. Kinda like the movie gone in 60 seconds. Maybe he'll be a racecar driver or something.
Wow he came out and they shoved him in my face. I say it like that because the poor guy looked like gollum from lord of the rings or that thing in the 80's flick "total recall" as Luke said. Now all babies that come natually have a misshaped head but not Jacob. It was perfect. Perfectly jacked up! He had a lump that came off the side of his head so big the doctor jumped. She even got excited and said measure that it's huge. It thought it was a tumor or something so when He was in my face I was taken back for a second but not only long enough to pull out the cell phone came and snap a pick to send all waiting.
After he came out they spent the next 20 minutes sewing Sarah up. Because she pushed so hard the doctor had to use a lot of stitches. I want to spare Sarah of being embarassed but the doctor even started that she would have done it differently if she had know it would have been that bad.
For anyone that has been through this experience you know I obviously left out some very gruesome details but you can ask and we will talk about it.
He came into the world 22 inches (23 with wired bump on the side of his head) and 9.50 lbs. Everyone says he looks like me. I dont know I just know its wierd that I'm a freakin dady. How cool!